Institut for Visual Profiling & Visual Resources Development
Visual Profiling


The very terms "scenic beauty", "landscape" and "townscape" would suggest consulting renowned experts of pictures when the image quality is at issue.

We conduct landscape and townscape visual impact assessments and deliver expert statements pertinent to the current legal framework.

We make use of the synergy between artistic and scientific methods.

Visual Profiling is based on our competence in aesthetic judgments. The reconstructive approach of Objective Hermeneutics is based on the methodical control of aesthetic judgments. In our pictorial analyses both combine to facilitate decision making processes.


Overview Dimensions of analysis Example



Dirk Starke: Interview with Richard Schindler: Landscape and scenic beauty (in german) SWR4 Rundfunkmagazin "Hörinsland", 13.04.2005 [Audio-Datei mp3 5.8 MB - zum Download rechte Maustaste: "Ziel speichern unter" wählen]