Visual Profiling is a case-oriented method. It avoids applying
preconceived categories to the case under investigation. As a rule,
consultation will go through three stages:
Stage I: A first meeting will define the object of the
pictorial analysis and the time frame for the cooperation. After
this, visual phenomena such as the entrance area of your company
building, your web pages, the packaging of a product, or the
architectural concepts of building projects will be analysed by the
visual profiler to reveal structures prevailing in your corporation.
The meaningful visual characteristics structuring your interior
design, the building front, or the advertising will be detailed. The
result of the analysis is a visual profile of your corporation. This
will be delivered in a written report and a presentation.
Stage II: The visual profile demonstrates the implicit
self-understanding of your company as communicated internally and
externally. Soon it will become apparent whether these structures
are in line with the intentions of your corporate appearance.
Immediately you will recognise those meaning structures which have
not been intended but are effective all the same and which are
likely to counteract your entrepreneurial vision. Thus the visual
profile may serve as a confirmation or be helpful for improvement or
adjustment. This depends on your evaluation (which may be carried
out together with us). It will be discernible whether there is need
for action and to what extent and in which direction such action
would be required.
Stage III: If no action is needed, the working alliance for
this particular profiling project will conclude. Should this not be
the case, the visual profiler can propose adjustments or
improvements. More likely however, such suggestions would be
developed by members of your company or your business partners. We
offer to analyse new proposals within the framework of further

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