Artists are not only creative producers but also
highly qualified recipients. However, neither the artists themselves
nor companies have recognised this perceptive capacity as a distinct
qualification and put it to economic use. Cooperation between art &
economy has been limited to sponsoring, art collections by members
of the business community, and the furnishing of corporate premises
with artwork, whether particularly felicitous or not.
In contrast, we make our artistic perceptive skills
available to you. Visual profiling means an extension of traditional
action fields of art. It supports corporations in the development of
their visual resources (Visual Resources Development) and offers
insights into the latent messages of their corporate communication –
both internal and external.
Visual Profiling encourages the self-perception of
your corporation. The self-transparency you gain is your asset: the
necessary condition for further improvement.
For artists, Visual Profiling serves as a
preparatory analysis of their interventions in the public space (art
in public buildings).

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